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Vaše Vezeko s.r.o.

About the company

vezeko-nova-budova-01VEZEKO s.r.o. is a dynamically developing company with a tradition dating back to 1996. At present, the company has 200 permanent employees working in the production plant at Velké Meziříčí.

Its production programme is focused on the production and maintenance of trailers of various categories and the utility bodies of trucks. With its production range and high quality standard, the company ranks among the leading manufacturers in the Czech Republic.

vezeko-nova-budova-02The strategy of VEZEKO s.r.o. has a long-term focus on the innovation of existing types and development of entirely new products. The Design Department's team of experts, in cooperation with the Development Workshop staff, are involved in this development. An advantage of the company is its customised production based on the top-level expertise of the staff of the Commercial-Technological Section, who are able to flexibly respond to almost any customer requirements.

To improve the efficiency and quality of the production processes, the company regularly renews the existing machinery and purchases new up-to-date brand-name machines.

The quality and reliability of its trucks and utility bodies is documented by the more than 80-percent share of the total production that is delivered abroad, mainly to the EU countries.




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Prohlášení o ochraně osobních údajů ke stažení

Vnitřní směrnice



Co jsou cookies?

Textové soubory, které internetové stránky ukládají na váš počítač nebo mobilní zařízení v okamžiku, kdy tyto stránky začnete využívat.

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Technické cookies

 cookiepermission souhlas s cookies ukládá vaše preference týkající se cookies (aby se vás stránky neptaly znovu a znovu)
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